Sunday, March 15, 2020

Free Essays on Welfarfe

Welfare is it the solution or the problem? A 61-yr old system that was used by the government to help citizens during the great depression, but after the Great depression was it still helping; so many questions need to be answered. Why are people complaining about welfare and the government’s role in it? Why was the 61-yr old system ended? What benefits come with Welfare reform? Was it all worth it? Welfare, where did it come from? During the 1920’s or also known as the roaring 20’s, many families starting buying these items that they couldn’t afford on credit. Since no one had the actual money to buy these goods the stock market crashed. When the stock market crashed on October 29,1929 many families lost everything they had. Who was there to turn to? Here is where Welfare comes into the picture. State and local programs were helping so many families during this tragedy but it wasn’t enough, they needed additional help. The government offered their hand in and helped families find food, clothes and shelter. â€Å"The crash sent shockwaves throughout the economy, bank failed, and business closed, and millions found them out of work. The Great Depression, which would last through the 1930s, had begun.† [PG 1] The Great Depression hit everyone not only the poor but many successful workers, everyone was in need of little assistance â€Å" Even sk illed workers, business owners, successful farmers, and professionals of all kinds found themselves in severe economic difficulty as one out of four in the labor force lost their jobs,† [PG 1] Does the government play a role? Many people don’t know this but there was a form of welfare before the depression. â€Å"A federal welfare system was a radical break from the past. Americans had always prided themselves on having a strong sense on individualism and self – reliance†¦during the 19th century, local and state governments as well as charities established institutions such as poorhous... Free Essays on Welfarfe Free Essays on Welfarfe Welfare is it the solution or the problem? A 61-yr old system that was used by the government to help citizens during the great depression, but after the Great depression was it still helping; so many questions need to be answered. Why are people complaining about welfare and the government’s role in it? Why was the 61-yr old system ended? What benefits come with Welfare reform? Was it all worth it? Welfare, where did it come from? During the 1920’s or also known as the roaring 20’s, many families starting buying these items that they couldn’t afford on credit. Since no one had the actual money to buy these goods the stock market crashed. When the stock market crashed on October 29,1929 many families lost everything they had. Who was there to turn to? Here is where Welfare comes into the picture. State and local programs were helping so many families during this tragedy but it wasn’t enough, they needed additional help. The government offered their hand in and helped families find food, clothes and shelter. â€Å"The crash sent shockwaves throughout the economy, bank failed, and business closed, and millions found them out of work. The Great Depression, which would last through the 1930s, had begun.† [PG 1] The Great Depression hit everyone not only the poor but many successful workers, everyone was in need of little assistance â€Å" Even sk illed workers, business owners, successful farmers, and professionals of all kinds found themselves in severe economic difficulty as one out of four in the labor force lost their jobs,† [PG 1] Does the government play a role? Many people don’t know this but there was a form of welfare before the depression. â€Å"A federal welfare system was a radical break from the past. Americans had always prided themselves on having a strong sense on individualism and self – reliance†¦during the 19th century, local and state governments as well as charities established institutions such as poorhous...

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