Friday, January 31, 2020

Explain the significance of Marco Essay Example for Free

Explain the significance of Marco Essay In the play, Marco is very important. After all, he was the one person who killed Eddie Carbone which is the main event in the play. When Marco comes into the play for the first time, he is proven to be the most mature brother who has a quality life worth living. What can I do? The older one is sick in chest. My wife she feeds them from her own mouth. I tell you the truth; if I stay there they will never grow up. They eat the sunshine. Having children, Marco might feel they are a motivation to earn money to keep them alive as well as himself. The reason Marco came to Brooklyn, America to help and pay for food for his family as he would send money back to his wife in Italy to care for them. My wife I want to send right away maybe twenty dollars †¦ because I could send them a little more if I stay. Marco knows he has an obligation to Eddie and is trying to be good so he can stay in America in the house to earn money for his family. So to make sure he can stay, he is trying not to let Rodolph ruin his chances either by doing ridiculous tasks like singing which Marco thinks is inappropriate at the time so tells him, No no! †¦ Youll be quiet †¦ Youll be quiet. He also thinks Rodolph should tame himself down. ‘’They paid for your courage. The English like courage. But once is enough.’’ He is loyal and strong. He thinks before he acts which gives the impression that he is focused. He only punished Eddie by killing him as he felt threatened which is not a selfish action. He is the antagonist in the play and the Sicilian avenging angel that Alfieri hints at his comment to the audience. A man works, raises his family, goes bowling, eats, gets old and then dies. Now, as the weeks passed there was a future, there was a trouble that would not go away. Marco is also very important to the play as he is very respectful towards Eddie to begin with. Marco is willing to do any work to support his family as he is very proud of his wife and he is grateful to Eddie for his help and for giving him the opportunity to live in his home and work down the docks. Marco is realistic and tries to control Rodolpho’s exaggerations to keep them out of trouble. Even though during the play, Marco is furious and vengeful to some of the things Eddie does like snitching on them to the immigration officers; He is responsible, respectful, strong but silent towards his family, Eddie, Beatrice and even Catherine. Marco tries to bridge the increasing gap between Rodolpho and Eddie however as soon as Marco feels offended by Eddie he feels he needs to prove his strength and authority to him by lifting a chair up by one leg by one arm which is he successful in whereas Eddie cannot lift the chair. Marco if a family man because even though Marco cannot understand American justice when Alfieri tried to explain it and promised Eddie he will not betray or harm him if he promised the same, he did not apologise to Eddie as his honour means everything to him. As Marco will probably get deported back to Italy for immigration and killing Eddie, he is happy that Rodolpho has a chance of a green card a family with Catherine.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Life of Benjamin Franklin Essay -- American America History

The Life of Benjamin Franklin "Of two things you can be certain; death and taxes," quoted Benjamin Franklin. Having a humorous outlook on life, Franklin tried to make others' lives better. Benjamin was a man who served others and tried to make the world its best until his death. Benjamin Franklin had many accomplishments. He had a busy and eventful life, he played a major role in defending his country, and he was known for his quotes. Franklin was always working to make something better. He accomplished many things, but he started at the bottom of the career chain. Benjamin had many different jobs before he settled. His first job was helping his father make candles. But at age twelve he became restless and ran away to Philadelphia to work. At first, he worked for his brother-in-law as a printer's apprentice, but family problems caused him to find work elsewhere. Because of the training he received, he started to work for the Pennsylvania Gazette and purchased the company in 1729. In 1748, he sold the paper and went to work for the government. During his life he was a printer, author, inventor, and diplomat. Franklin also played the harp, violin, and guitar which expresses his great love for music and his love for learning. Benjamin cared that young people got a good education; he thought that "education today is leadership and success of tomorrow." He thought that it was important to have a love of reading and founded the first public library in America in 1731: the Philadelphia Library. In 1732, Franklin published Poor Richard's Almanac with the pen name 'Richard Saunders.' In 1749, he wrote Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania. In 1751, he established Philadelphia Academy, later known as Univer... ...patients for one particular reason: he wasn't patient (Bingelow 179). This very accomplished man, who, during his eventful life, played a major role for this country and quoted different events will be in the hearts of man for eternity. Benjamin Franklin will live on forever through time, and his courage and faith will never die; as long as there is life on Earth and souls who live in this free country, America. Works Cited Bingelow, John. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. III ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott and Co., 1875. Bingelow, John. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. II ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott and Co., 1875. Davidson, James and Michael Stoff. American Nation. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1986. The Harvard Classics: Franklin, Woolman, Penn. New York: Collier and Sons Corp., 1909. VanDoven, Carl. Benjamin Franklin. New York: The Viking, 1938.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Atkinsons Case

Case requirements Atkinson Atkinson have been trading as a department store on the Moor In Sheffield for over 50 years. Two of the directors are friends of your parents. They have asked you and a small group of your colleagues to cast an eye over the business and offer some Impartial advice as to its future direction. You were provided with the publicly available statements of the group, data from FAME Is also available on the Internet through literates.. Whilst passing through the Meadowland Centre you notice that there are some new units being developed.A number of businesses such as Deadbeats and Thornton have outlets In both Sheffield and Meadowland whilst others such as House of Fraser have moved out of the city centre altogether. You have contacted Meadowland Properties PL and have received a letter in return which sets out the availability and costs of leasing a new unit in the Meadowland Centre. You have also acquired information from Sheffield City Council containing demogra phic and other information http:†www. Creditworthiness. Co. UK/ http:†www. Sheffield. Gob. UK/your-city-council/Sheffield-facts-figuresYou are required to attend a meeting with the two directors to make a presentation (power point facilities are available) on your findings. Assessment weighting Learning outcomes Weighting % 1 . Identify subject skills and knowledge appropriate to problem this is reflected In outcome 2 2. Assess difficulties in clearly defining problem areas (Including analysis of position) 30 3. Apply and integrate previously acquired subject skills outcomes 2/4 4. Acquire, classify organist and evaluate Information In a suitable format for the application of decision making techniques 30 5.Communicate proposed course of action and answer questions 40 Meadowland Properties PL Sheffield Dear Sir Thank you for your recent enquiry concerning the leasing costs for the units to be completed at the Meadowland Centre in late 2008. To give you some idea of the s ize of the units, Deadbeats occupies a site of 125,000 square feet. Leases will run to the December 2032 and will be renewable at that date subject to negotiation. All rents will be increased annually in line with the change in the retail price index excluding mortgage payments. Size Annual rent Unit 1 125,000 square feet unit 2 60,000 square feetIEEE,OHO unit 3 40,000 square feet IEEE,OHO In addition to these rental costs, there is a service charge payable to ourselves. At the moment this is EH. 30 per square foot per annum for the first 25,000 square feet, half this rate for the next 25,000 square feet and a quarter of this rate for anything over 50,000 square feet. This charge covers all communal areas, supervision of car parking etc. Tenants are, of course, responsible for the payment of business rates. We thank you for your interest and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours faithfully Alexander Goodyear (Customer Services Director)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Oedipus Complex And The Electra Complex - 1032 Words

Sigmund Freud’s declaration that â€Å"neuroses†¦can be derived only from disturbances in sexual life† (94), challenged the prevailing societal attitudes of his day regarding mental health, childhood development, and human sexuality. Freud explored the inner life of children developing into adulthood by reviving mythological stories of incest, brutality, and obsessive self-love: The Oedipus Complex and the Electra Complex, both variations on the theme of destructive love, murdering the same-sex parent and marrying the opposite parent, and narcissism, destructive love of self, vividly allegorized the perils of the journey to adulthood. Freud approached treating neuroses with a new method he termed psychoanalysis. From the psychoanalytic point of view, the expectation of dysfunction is assumed, in varying degrees, as virtually all individuals experience at least minimal trauma during their development. Freud acknowledged that the very process of growing apart from a parent, notably the mother whose body conceived and sustained the dependent child, is an inherently anxious process, poignantly observing â€Å"Anxiety in children is nothing more than an expression of the fact that they are feeling the loss of the person they love† (101). Maturation not only involves vulnerability, it also requires it, as it is built into the process of differentiation. As the child grows, he relates himself to the external world through different organs or â€Å"erotogenic zones† (oral, anal, and genital).Show MoreRelatedThe Mythology Of The Greek Mythology1438 Words   |  6 Pagessexual desires toward the opposite sex parent (boys to mothers and girls to fathers). For boys, this is called the Oedipus complex, involving a boy s desire for his mother and his urge to replace his father who is seen as a rival for the mother’s attention. At the same time, the boy is afraid his father will punish him for his feelings, so he experiences castration anxiety. The Electra complex, later proposed by Freud’s protà ©gà © Carl Jung, involves a girl s desire for her father s attention and wishRead MoreThe Oedipus And Electra Complexes : The Father Of Psychoanalysis945 Words   |  4 Pagesand became known as the father of Psychoanalysis. In this essay, I will convey my views on Freud’s credibility and his failed claims of the Oedi pus and Electra complexes, as well as his achievement in fathering the Psychological and Psychotherapeutic theories of Psychoanalysis. Consequently, with all of the controversy stemming from the Oedipus and Electra complexes, Freud had many problems with other individual’s beliefs that were against his claims and rarely let anyone discuss with him aboutRead MoreEssay on Inside the Head of Sigmund Freud1568 Words   |  7 Pagesclinical process of psychoanalysis, which treated psychopathology by using the â€Å"talking cure†. The talking cure is best known as a one to one talk between the patient and the doctor. He is also known for his radical and complex theories such as the Oedipus complex, and the Electra complex. His fields include neurology, philosophy, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Many question his authenticity since there is no proof or record of Freud holding a degree, more less a doctorate.Read MoreCritical Analysis of Freuds Theory of Personality907 Words   |  4 PagesLatency – the sex instinct is dominant 5. Genital – development of the sex role identity In the phallic stage Freud derived his best known complex, the Oedipus complex in males and the Electra complex in females. The Oedipus complex is when the boy is in love with his mother and fears castration if his father finds out about his fantasies. In the Electra complex the girl is in love with her father and desires to have a penis as a genital organ. Freud believed that dreams represent repressed desiresRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Development1000 Words   |  4 PagesThe conflict of this stage, and the most controversial, is the Oedipus and Electra Complex. The Oedipus Complex is â€Å"a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex,† (Oedipus complex. (n.d.). Retrieved from ) much like Oedipus Rex in Greek Mythology. The Electra Complex is the same as the Oedipus Complex, but just refers to woman. This stage is controversial becauseRead MoreForeign Affairs by Allison Laurie1394 Words   |  6 Pagesto wave its influence over one’s actions during infancy, or as Freud interpreted the beginning of sexual desires in humans. Young males develop an Oedipus Complex or â€Å"attachment to the parent of the opposite sex accompanied by envious and aggressive feelings towards the pa rent of the same sex† (Dollof) and young females develop a similar Electra Complex. However, they are often prevented from acting on their desires due to fear of the same sex parent, or current mate of their object of attractionRead MorePsychoanalytic Theory And Freud s Theory Of Becoming A School Counselor873 Words   |  4 Pageselement I thought that is of value with this theory. Freud thought strongly that childhood experiences had influence on adult behavior. I am not sure if you have ever heard of the Oedipus complex and Electra complex? Well basically Freud believed that boys go through Oedipus complex and girls go through the Electra complex in which they have sexualized attraction of the opposite sex parent and the same-sex parent is visualized as a rival to his or her attraction (Newman Newman, 2015). Have you everRead MoreAnalysis Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest By Ken Kesey1498 Words   |  6 Pagesanal, phallic, latency and genital phase. Sometimes people ca n surpass these stages and grown to a fully mature adult, however, many people often retain some obsessions from specific stage and contribute to certain aspect of personality, such as Oedipus complex and difficulties in identify sexual identity. These stages will be further discussed in this paper, and its relation to the development of patients of the psychological institution of the book One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. TheRead MoreThe Poetry Of An Author962 Words   |  4 Pageschosen the following texts 1962 -all except the last being 1963 : Papi , Ariel , Lady Lazarus, Thalidomide and mannequins of Munchen . In a lecture delivered by (NBC), the author talked about the voice of the poem as a girl who speaks with Electra complex. Her father died when she thought he was God. His case is more complicated than usual due to the fact that his father was a Nazi, and his mother, probably in Jewish part. The daughter, these two forces come together, paralyzed each other, andRead MoreThe Theory Of Oedipus Complex1469 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The term Oedipal complex was initially used by Sigmund Freud as he developed a theory to explain the stages of psychosexual stages of development in an attempt to explain or describe the boy child feelings of attraction to the mother and anger and envy towards the father (Fear, 2005). Basically, the boy may feel like he is competing with the father for the belonging and possession of the mother. The boy sees the father as a threat for her affections, desires and attentions. In terms